Friday, December 14, 2007

New Track: Fading

Another 100% sampled track. It's a very mellow, sad sounding instrumental IMO. Blastphumis seemed to like it a lot when I played it for him, so maybe I'll have a vocal mix with him in the near future =)

Friday, December 7, 2007

New Tracks! (FINALLY)

Life is rather busy at the moment. However, here are the somewhat meager fruits of my labors from the past several weeks.

First up, is "Sickle" a fairly standard instrumental loop with a few minor change-ups throughout the song. The drums are really more of a placeholder; they give a sense of the drum pattern I want to aim for but I intend to redo them.

Next, is something I'm calling "Knock Knock". This is essentially a loop with a very short break it down towards the end. My brother recently introduced me to the group/album "Bumps" featuring members of the group Tortoise (a really cool electronic/jazz/a bit of everything group out of Chicago). The album is all drum loops and these drums, though edited a bit, are from it. This track is 100% samples =)

Finally, an attempt at some drum and bass. Just a short loop.

Hope you enjoy! More to come soon, just gotta finish my finals.